Friday, November 13, 2009

Bottled Water is for the dogs

Here's another one for the Hall of Shame.

A company in Japan is marketing a line of bottled water for dogs called "Pet Sweat."

First of all, what were they thinking when they named this product? Pet Sweat - ick! And what a colossal waste of money and natural resources. This one is worse than the Hello Kitty water bottles.

What's even more disturbing is that the ill-conceived, horribly named Pet Sweat isn't the only bottled water being marketed to pet owners.

As blogger Dogtopia points out, "Pet Sweat could take the lead from American manufacturers of bottled water for dogs, with names such as Fortifido, Hero Dog Water, Woof Water, PetRefresh, Aqua Dog, and Dog Whisperer Fortified Water for Dogs. Yet, 99% of dogs surveyed said they would still prefer to drink water out of the toilet."

Please don't buy these products for your pet. If you're worried about your pooch getting thirsty, carry a collapsible bowl along on your walks and fill it from a reusable water bottle.

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