Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Single-serve packaging is an eco-travesty

New data compiled by the Container Recycling Institute shows how recycling rates for #1 PET plastic bottles stacks up against those of other beverage containers.

Or rather, how many plastic water, soda and juice bottles wind up as waste instead of being recycled.

The number is staggering: more than 40 billion annually.

Only soda and beer cans have a worse record -- more than 50 billion annually are trashed, compared with more than 20 billion glass bottles.

What these numbers tell us is that American consumers need to do a better job not only at recycling but also reducing our consumption of plastic bottles, cans and glass bottles. We need to break free from single-serve packaging in all its forms. We're paying a huge environmental cost for the convenience of single-serve packaging.

Switch from bottled water to Primo Water in 5-gallon reusable bottles. Buy sodas in 2 liter bottles or replace them with healthier iced tea or lemonade you make at home. Purchase larger bottles of wine and growlers of beer. Pack snacks in reusable containers rather than buying convenience packs. Serve the kids water instead of juice boxes and pouches, or fill their cups with juice from a larger container. Freeze leftovers in reusable containers and take those for lunch instead of prepackaged frozen meals, which are often high in sodium and calories.

What are ways that you're recycling and reusing in your own life? We'd love to hear your innovative ideas for reducing, reusing and recycling.

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